Monday, July 25, 2011

Denver Fair Food Poker Night! (and Beanie Tournament!)

Sunday, August 7th, 5:00pm
at 6th Avenue United Church of Christ
3250 E. 6th Avenue (6th & Adams) [map]

$10 buy-in
Opportunities to buy in throughout the night!
Winner wins cash prize!

This will be a fun, laid-back environment to learn if you've never played poker.

SPECIAL: Beanie Tournament at 7:00pm! $10 to play, winner wins cash!
Beanie is a fun and fast-paced card game which is easy to pick up. Come learn if you've never played!

Food and refreshments will be available!

Proceeds will go to Denver Fair Food, a community network working in solidarity with farmworkers to fight for fair wages and human rights in the fields -

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